Tuesday 12 May 2009

ISAN meeting

Went to the ISAN meeting in Norwich last Friday at The Curve, hosted by the Norfolk and Norwich Festival.

Very worrying developments, with the Police starting to charge festivals vast amounts for their presence. Maybe a condition of this should be that they are made to wear a costume (or a different one!), or patrol on stilts, or perform an act. The Naturals' Kissing Coppers could be in line for some extra duties...

There was a presentation on the 2012 Inspire Mark - I will be putting The Allotmenteers up for that one!

Caught up with Geert of
Odd Enjinears, who I originally met at the City of Wings Festival in Ypres earlier this year. I can highly recommend the Concert of Your Life, a symphony programmed specifically for you, based on answers you give to a questionnaire. Very surreal - the desert rat and the fork on the tambourine still haunt me!

Also came across
Radio Barkas' mobile radio station. Fantastic, unknown versions of classic songs. Very lounge!

And met up with Nick, a.k.a. Edmond Tahl of
Stuff and Things, to collect a PA for Freetannia. He also showed me his new PA system for outdoor performance - very compact, lightweight and powerful. Highly recommended!

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Life in 3D

Premiered our new act, a 3D Cinema, last Saturday at the Slow Food Market, part of the Slow Down London events at the Southbank.

Our 'audience' think that the public walking past are characters in a 3D movie they are watching, complete with surround sound and extra special effects.

The characters in the film are seemingly able to understand the audience and respond accordingly.

There was much whooping and squealing when characters lunged at our audience members, and jaws dropped when a character took a photo of the audience and it actually appeared on the screen!